Easy Ways To Drive Traffic From Pinterest To Your Blog

Traffic From Pinterest

Pinterest is on fire right now with the kind of users and the traffic it is getting for the last few years now. Whatever may be your niche, be it technology, travel or for that matter dog training. You can easily leverage the power of awesome pictures to drive traffic from Pinterest to your blog. With power of engaging pictures and images, one can easily connect with your main blog or money site and the majority of this kind of traffic is targeted and highly converting.

So if you are really a master of spotting out great pictures that entices people to stand up and thing, then you should be really serious about driving traffic from Pinterest to your blog.

How to Drive Traffic FromPinterest to Your Blog

Now when it comes to driving traffic in loads from social networks such as Pinterest, sky can be the limit. So you need to identify your strengths and try to keep on tapping them till you drive traffic from Pinterest to your blog.

1. Originality is the key

It is good if you re-pin other people’s pictures and images as it can seriously help you in pumping up your follower base. But on the other hand you also need to pin you own images and content. Always have an eye for discovering new pictures and images that are yet to be pinned and you can easily track the king of content people are liking and if you start to share your original ideas, then you wont be very far away from getting your images pinned and a fat Pinterest follower base.

2. Descriptions are as important as the content

as important as the content

Now Pinterest gives us a flexibility of providing image description in max 500 words. But the main catch about descriptions are that people have a short attention span, so ideally you have to capture their attention in the first few words itself. For this reason, we should try to keep serve people with small descriptions relating to the content as well as containing the keywords that makes it easier for people to find your content. Ideally use quotes and single one liners that drives engagement and makes the whole experience of the viewer a worthy one.

3. Help Users by Providing them Pin It Buttons

Pin It Buttons

Now you want people to help you popularize your blog posts and the images contained in them. So provide your readers with a way to pin your images and other stuff. But before doing that you should really focus on getting a nice widget for your blog. So getting one “Pin It” buttin should do the trick for you as you don’t a plethora of buttons distracting your readers big time. This small step of adding a Pin-It button to your blog can easily drive lots of targeted traffic from interest to your blog.

4. Pinterest can Boost Your Backlinks

Search engines like Google, bing and Yahoo seriously take into consideration the amount and quality of backlinks that are pointing to your blog before ranking your blog posts.

So you must be thinking how can I leverage Pinterest for quality backlinks?

Once you Pin an image from your blog, try to incorporate your blog URL in the description. And in case your image goes viral, there is a fair chance that people will go land on your blog form that particular image. Now when you image is shared all over the web, that link in your description gets shared a hell lot of times and creates many nice and quality backlinks. This links are spidered by the Google robots and you are given significant positions in the search engine ranking positions.

5. Sharing and Helping others

At the end of the day Pinterest is a social community and people love to interact and socialize. At every instance try to like and comment on other people pin’s to make them feel special and important. Liking other’s stuff will make them like you stuff as well. You can even go a step further in adding people to contribute on a particular board and more. These will help in building interest for your images as well as boosting your follower base and will drive massive traffic from Pinterest to your blog as well.

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