10 Powerful Tools For Discovering Profitable Domains


Domain name is the identity of an online business venture. It signifies the existence of a business on the world wide web. Like we all have our home addresses and it is unique to each and every individual, just like that the domain name is the unique address of an online entity.

Choosing the Perfect brand-able domain name is an important factor for a business going online. This is because the domain name will represent the services or skills you provide and possess. And if your domain name is somewhere able to portray the services and this helps in branding your business then you are almost on the verge of choosing the perfect domain.

So how to pick domain names?

SEO is crucially very important when choosing domain names. This step can bring in loads of visitors to your site if the branding is done correctly and in a smart way.

Now if you are good at picking up catchy slogans and creating attention capturing tag lines, then this will be a cake walk but people like me, who do not have an iota of creativity for choosing amusing and interesting name resort to some powerful domain tools that are present on the web for our disposal.

So let’s get started.

1.       Nameboy


The whole concept is based on primary and secondary words. It boasts of forming names from the sound and the meaning of the words and also gives us a color code depending on the availability of the domain name.

2.       Namestation


Now this has been featured on Techcrucnch, TNW, mashable and seomoz. It has a great user interface and gives us the option for setting the length of words and even adding prefixes and suffixes. And they also hold a domain name contest every now and then.

3.       Wordoid


This is a crazy version of a domain name finder. Anyone can select from English, Spanish, French and Italian languages. Options are also supplied like if you want a word to be randomized or appear at the start or at the end. And the rest is easy as it can easily make up brandable words automatically. And the crazy feature of wordoid is that if you want to make the domain name appear natural or not natural at all. The ability to blend two languages to make a brandable domain name is the best feature of wordoid.

4.       PCnames


Based on the query of a prospective domain buyer this tool shows if the .com, .net, .org or other domains are available or not for that particular query.  And the best part is that when you come back it shows you all the relevant  domains based on your search queries.

5.       Leandomainsearch


This is one of the most used tools by webmasters for finding great and brand-able domain names.

6.       Domain Tools


Now this wont find you a cool domain name. but it can do a lot of other things such as whois lookup and a reverse whois lookup and a marketplace too. And they also have DNS and IP tools. They also have a professional paid membership which can offer you more useful extra tools.

7.       Domize


Now on this one put comma separated keywords and you will be bombarded with domain names incorporating words, letters or numbers. It also lists out words that that have a rhyme with the word that you entered. All in all this is one powerful domain search engine.

8.       123finder


This gives us the variations of the query we put into its search engine. There are 4 options to choose from simple domain search, advanced domain search, instant domain search and it also aggregates keywords from URL.

9.       Nxdom


Now this is the big daddy of all and I saved this for the last. This has indexed millions of domains in a short span. One can search by prefix, suffix, length, popularity, readability etc.

10.   Bustaname


This helps you find all the available names that are there as per your keyword entered. Keep on adding keywords and this will keep on bringing you new and unique brand-able domains. Add anything from prefixes to suffixes, from adjectives to synonyms. This domain tool will never let you down.

UPDATED 5 Sep 2013


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