Best Ways to Drive Traffic From Google Plus to Your Blog

drive maximum traffic to your website using google plus

With great targeted traffic comes ever increasing revenue. And with no traffic on your blog, your fresh blog posts will never get read no matter how much awesome content you create. And with people rehashing old stuff into new packets, everybody is not lucky to get search engine position rankings day in and day out. So one needs to diversify its traffic sources and not just only depend on traffic from search engines. As only with targeted visitors you will be able to promote them your affiliate offers as well as other services. So one definitely needs to ponder over on how to drive traffic from Google Plus to his/her blog.

All Bloggers and affiliate marketers have really started to understand the power of this very young and dynamic social network which is loaded with features across the board. During the initial phases it may seem a bit confusing as a lot of marketers have failed to connect with their niche market, but keeping at it will surely give success.

When I had a chat with some of the veteran Google Plus users who are driving traffic from Google plus to a blog, the key points that came out were that this is not Facebook or Twitter. It’s a perfect mixture of the leading 3 social networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. It is just a matter of identifying and understanding the needs of you niche and marketing your blog to them adopting clever tactics. Driving traffic from Google Plus to your blog need not be such a big learning experience if you follow the super easy steps I will tell you below.

Tips To Drive Targeted Traffic From Google Plus To Your Blog

Google Plus Tip #1 – Creating a Google Plus Profile or A Blog Fan page

Yes the same fan pages you are able create on Facebook is also provided to you on Google Plus. It is really simple to create one can be set up in a wink of an eye. Though you should have personal profile on Google plus before you can even think of creating a Google Plus page. Some of the important to do things are –

  • To promote you blog, you must use it on every image that is being used on Google Plus like the cover page and the profile image as well. So that people identify with your brand once they see your branding on every image in future updates. There is an introduction section which should clearly mention your BLOG URL with call to action that actually entices the fan to click on it and visit your blog.

Google Plus Tip #2 – Use Google Plus Hash tags

Now this is an awesome feature take out of the Twitter book. These were introduced a short time back and is being considered the most advanced features enabled on Google Plus. Hash tags enable you to get found on Google plus. Whenever you post certain updates, adding hash tags will really help you to put those Google Plus updates under categories.

Try to be concise when implementing hash tags as incorporating too much will give a feel of a spammer. Like if I am writing about “Drive Traffic From Google Plus to you blog” and the moment I will update the post on Google plus by providing the link, I will use very to the point hash gas like #blogtraffic, #gplustips and may be #targetedtraffic. So whenever using Google plus to drive traffic to your blog, don’t forget to incorporate the relevant hash tags as they will surely help you get your content found.

Google Plus Tip #3 – Host Google Plus Hangouts


After a few months of using Google plus to gain blog traffic as well as followers, you can hold or host Google Plus Hangouts with you followers to command an authority. People like to follow leaders who provide solutions and you can easily leverage this thing to build a massive following in your niche or area of expertise. The most awesome feature of Hangouts that these can be shared on your YouTube channel for later viewing by others as well.

Google Plus Tip #4 – Provide G+ buttons on Your blog


Now this one is a must do to help your blog readers to popularize your blog posts. As when readers use the Google plus button to like you stuff, they automatically send your blog post to thousands of people at the same time. So incorporating Google plus button is a must on your blog to drive traffic from Google plus to your blog.

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