3 Ways To Skyrocket Your Blog Traffic

Getting more and more Blog Traffic is what every normal website or blog owner wants because increased blog traffic means –

  • Increased eyeballs watching your content and services.
  • Increased authority on your niche.
  • And with this all you will get INCREASED REVENUE.

Now I hope every blog owner wants to someday or the other get awesome revenue from their respective blogs by selling affiliate products or by selling their own services like content writing, seo services etc.

So in short this means BLOG TRAFFIC=Blog SUCCESS and this what every blogger like you, me or in that case may be any other blogger wants in the long run. When is started with blogging, I was not able to even get 100 UV on a daily basis, but after hit and trail methods and after 4 years of experience with SEO and generating traffic for over 50 websites, I can easily say that I will be able to generate traffic within some months of the blog’s setup and this is something I am really proud of. But this has come with a lot of hard work and daily practice with SEO stuff and I can easily claim that with hard work and daily practice anybody can attract traffic like the pros. And nowadays it is really easy to attract traffic by leveraging the power of social media networks, guest blogging, manual back linking methods.

So today I am going to explain you some of the major methods to get your blog traffic up from ZERO to a respectable number with the following easy to follow tips and tricks to increase your blog traffic .

Boost Blog Traffic Fast With these Easy To Follow Steps

1. Blog traffic Is Proportional To the Content you Put

Blog traffic Is Proportional To the Content

Now for starters one cannot go and get visitors on it’s blog without awesome and engaging content. So before any SEO stuff or little tweaks you want to apply on your new blog, first things first get your content strategy right. Content that is not only unique but also highly targeted to your niche.

I don’t differ from what the pros recommend. Content that will increase your blog traffic in a matter of few weeks are –

  • Research other top blogs in your niche and get content ideas by following them
  • Keyword research (moderate level) is good before writing a new blog post every time as it will highly targeted traffic to your new blog which can be easily converted to subscribing stuff on your blog like affiliate products, seo services etc.

You are not the better judge of your blog, but the audience who are typing in keywords on Google are. So serving their need through your content should be any webmaster’s top most priority.

2. Increase Blog Traffic With Engaging Comments on Famous Blogs

Increase Blog Traffic

Now how can you boost your blog traffic by leaving comments on some other blogs right? It’s very simple to answer this question. When you leave comments that captures the attention of the blog owner or its audience, you are definitely sure that some of the interest will lead them to your blog and if your blog is ready to satisfy their needs, then nothing better than that.

Always try to leave Valuable comments like how can the post be improved with facts and figures and you will surely get noticed as you people will get the impression that you know what you are talking about. Try this method and you are sure to have success with your blog traffic.

3. Guest Posting is the mother Of all measures To pump up your Blog Traffic

Guest Posting is

If you know even a small bit about guest posting then you should easily aware of the immense power guest posting possesses and how it can really help you in 2 MAJOR things –

  • Improving your off page SEO by getting Quality contextual backlinks from high PR blogs.
  • And increasing your authority and promoting yourself on well established blogs and in front of a large targeted audience.

Some of the famous guest bloggers who command authority are like Danny Iny, Kristi Hines and Onibalusi Bamidele. They religiously follow guest posting at the highest level and you can easily see their awesome success. These days it has really become very easy to get guest blog posting deals as you provide the blog owner and in return you are handed one or two do follow backlinks to your blog that immensely helps in your SEO. Go to Google and search “High Pr Guest Posting Blogs” and I am sure you will be able to find many high PR blog to guest post on. So on the part of your SEO Tactics, Start Guest Posting right now!

Blog Traffic : Over To You!

The above methods and tactics have immensely contributed to the success of Loudmeyell and I can assure you that following these three methods will surely boost your blog traffic in the long run. If you differ in any topic or want to add on to the methods, please do share it with us below!

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