Drive Traffic From LinkedIn to Your Blog

Drive Traffic from LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the only social network that revolves around the whole concept of you and your peers are connected through your professional interest and abilities. If a person is into any kind of business be it blogging, offline business or anything for that matter but has a blog that wants some serious amount of traffic to it, then driving traffic from LinkedIn to your blog becomes a compulsion of every webmaster.

LinkedIn to Your Blog

The most important thing to keep in mind when you are driving traffic from LinkedIn to your blog is that the traffic you get is directly proportional to your LinkedIn Profile views. LinkedIn has given us a way to measure how many times in a day our profile is views, so it is best that we work on our profile so that we can get the message and our blog or site straight to the target audience who are checking out are profiles every now and then.

driving traffic from LinkedIn to your blog

So if you want to master the secret of driving targeted traffic from LinkedIn to you blog then sit back and watch how I do it for my blogs –

Powerful ways To Drive Traffic from LinkedIn to Your Blog

Implement the following steps on a daily basis to make more connections and gain more visibility throughout the niche you belong and the following steps will get you started with the initial phase of driving quality traffic from LinkedIn to your blog

1. LinkedIn Profile Needs To Be Eye Catching

Your LinkedIn profile acts like a spokesperson that is out there to tell the whole world what are you all about and all the websites you own.

LinkedIn Profile

The profile lets you add your blog links with various anchor texts so therefore you should focus on linking you blog links with nice anchor texts that will help your profile viewers to decide if they want to click through or not. So creating an enhanced and attractive LinkedIn profile will go a long way in driving traffic from LinkedIn to your blog.

2. Joining With Targeted Groups

One of the best practices of to achieve LinkedIn Success is how you promote yourself and your blog on many of the LinkedIn groups. Now pin-pointing groups to target is an art and to master it you

Joining With Targeted Groups

Should always choose small but targeted groups to promote you links as well as fresh blog posts. This should be one of the must-do to drive traffic from LinkedIn to your blog as some groups can be as large as 600,000 members

3. Start Using LinkedIn Blog App

You want every new blog post to be automatically posted onto LinkedIn and to serve that purpose we have the LinkedIn blog app. This increases the chance of you people getting to see your new

Start Using LinkedIn Blog App

blog post’s links and this may lead them to you blog site. So you must definitely use this LinkedIn app to drive massive traffic from LinkedIn to your blog.

4. Must Have Your Own LinkedIn Group

Just like we make Facebook pages or groups for businesses to promote healthy sharing of links from a particular niche, LinkedIn too equips business owners too create groups and let me tell you some groups can be as huge as 500,000 members. Constantly interacting with your group members and posting regular informative posts can engage as well as increase your group members. And possessing large groups will easily drive huge traffic from LinkedIn to your blog.

5. Updating Status Regularly

What’s the use of joining a social network to leverage its authority to gain traffic when you don’t even updates your stuff on a daily basis. To create an engaging profile one must updates even the smallest changes in one’s professional or business on LinkedIn. The more informative stuff you share on LinkedIn, more engaging your LinkedIn profile will be. Try to provide quality stuff, which people and your followers can make use of. Try to update statuses atleast 5-6 times a day and use the pictures to drive attention to your updates. Doing this will easily help your brand image and if you are a blog owner, then driving traffic from LinkedIn to your blog will be a cakewalk.

So I hope you enjoyed going through these LinkedIn power tips that will surely boost your traffic in the long run. If you have some other tips to drive traffic from LinkedIn to your blog, then please do comment below. We really appreciate it.

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